The Bird Martinez cooking show on YouTube has been a thriving cooking Channel show that I highly recommend watching and adding to your collection of binge-worthy shows to watch during the quarantine. I am the Vice President of La Prensa, and I enjoy covering events for the newspaper. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, I have regrettably not been able to do what I love most about running the paper, creating content that we as Hispanics can relate to. Watching the Martinez family cooking show run by its matriarch become more and more successful made me feel hopeful. Finding Mexican American Latinos who are making incredible strides by sharing family recipes gave me a new Latino team to root for, giving me hope and comfort during these scary times. The YouTube cooking show immediately became my preferred show to watch. Bird Martinez has been a constant source of laughter and comfort during life’s ups and downs. This family cooking show eases my stress away. It allows me to laugh when it’s most difficult to do so, especially in the uncertain times of 2020. The show is funny and quick-paced. She turns traditional timeless Mexican classics into a modern-day easy DIY project. She starts off the show with her epic intro, instantly inviting you to be part of her “Bird Gang.” Bird Gang is a term she uses to describe the people who watch her show. Bird Martinez exhibits a hilarious personality on the cooking show. Her humor’s ridiculousness helps remove daily anxiety with laughter. Watching her performance as a Latina, I find her spirit to be extremely relatable.
I was visiting my neighbor Joane Gill and her husband, Albert Rendon, during the holidays. I decided to introduce them to the bird Martinez cooking show. I was shocked to notice that the room went from a conversation about the pandemic to infectious laughter. We were all escaping reality momentarily to laugh with bird Martinez during her cooking show. Since then, they have been watching the show as well. I am sharing this show with our readers from La Prensa because the past few shows completely broke me. The show has recently not featured Bird Martinez because she fell victim to a home invasion that left her a quadriplegic. When I learned about the tragedy that occurred to my favorite family cooking show host, I choked up with tears, and I had to come to terms with the inequality and dangers our people face every day. If she had been an anglo person of privilege, these atrocities might not have occurred. It upsets me that as a Latina, there are rarely any characters on TV that we can relate to, and it is deplorable that this horrific event happened to Bird Martinez. If you would like to watch the show, here is a link to her Channel. I ask you all to support her channel now that her teenage daughter Mandy is now hosting.
Bird Martinez – La Prensa