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Home Politics Council members postpone changing the name of Pan American Park

Council members postpone changing the name of Pan American Park

Council members postpone changing the name of Pan American Park

At the request of Sabino Renteria, council members have postponed changing the name of Pan American Neighborhood Park to Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park. Council Member Renteria requested the postponement until September 2 to further discuss the community’s issues against the renaming.

The park is located at 307 Chicon Street in East Austin. Pan American Recreation and park has been the place to hold concerts, family gatherings, church events, picnics and Fiesta Patria and Cinco de Mayo celebrations since 1956.

However, renaming the park to Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park is drawing opposition from several neighborhood leaders and groups. The Pan Am Recreation Center Community Advisory Board has sent a letter to the Mayor and Council Members expressing their opposition to the renaming.

On May 16, 2022, the Advisory Board voted unanimously to oppose the name change. Ana Maciel, president of the board said that a survey was conducted regarding the name change and the results in District 3 concluded with 51% not in favor of the name change. This is important because the park is located in District 3 and the majority of those surveyed live in District 3.

Additionally, the Austin Parks and Recreation Board at its June 27, 2022 meeting agreed with the community members present and voted to recommend to the Austin City Council not, to rename Pan American Neighborhood Park, but rather to provide a plaque to recognize the applicant for the name change.

Since it is a community park, it was recommended that a Walk of Fame be created at the park to recognize the many and numerous individuals that have contributed greatly to the Pan American Recreation Center and Park. The 64 -year-old Pan Am Hillside Concert Series, featuring Tejano bands and Mexican American music; and the 24-year long-standing Thanksgiving Dinner were mentioned as possible events to recognize.

Ms. Ana Maciel, president of the Pan American Recreation Center Community Advisory Board stressed the importance of recognizing several other individuals and groups that have advocated for the recreation center and park over the years.

The Advisory Group also points to the fact, that Mr. Castillo already has two baseball fields named in his honor, one at the Roy Velasquez Baseball Complex and another at the Eastside Memorial High School- Liberal Arts & Sciences Academy.

The following organizations and individuals have submitted letters to the Austin City Council opposing the renaming of the Pan American Park:

Austin Parks And Recreation Advisory Board
Barrio Unido Neighborhood Association – Gavino Fernandez. Jr.
East Town Lake Citizens Neighborhood – Elisa Rendon
El Concilio Mexican-American Land Owners de East Austin
Holly Neighborhood Plan Chair
La Raza Roundtable Gilbert Rivera
Lulac District 12 Director-Gabriel Nila
Lulac District 7 Deputy Director for Women -Bertha Delgado
Oswaldo A.B. Cantu – Pan American Recreation Center Advisory Board
Dr Jane Rivera, former Austin Parks And Recreation Board Chairman
Peggy Vasquez

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One thought on “Council members postpone changing the name of Pan American Park

  1. I agree 100% that the changing of Oswaldo A.B. Cantu Recreation Center’s name change will erase Latino History.

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