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Home Special Announcement La Prensa Highlights Ana Maciel Post

La Prensa Highlights Ana Maciel Post

Ana Maciel is an outstanding, remarkable leader in the Austin Latino community. Catherine Vasquez Revilla, founder, and owner of La Prensa requests the community to recognize this post and its significance to the community. Ana Maciel is a highly respected and influential leader in the Austin Latino community. Catherine Vasquez Revilla, founder and owner of La Prensa recognizes this individual’s importance and contributions to the community.

Pan Am Advisory Boatd opposes the renaming of of our historical Pan Am Neighborhood
P.ark, because at Pan Am we have so many people to acknowledge who dedicated their time and support for what Pan Am is today. FOR EXAMPLE JUST TO NAME A FEW:
ROY GUERRERO, Johnny Degollado, Marcelo Tafoya, Gus Garcia. Johnny Trevino Richard Moya, Louise Villaseñor, Gilbert Velasquez, Tony Castillo Marie Velasquez, AlbertoyBlanca Garcia,Fidel Estrada, Diana Limon, Roy’s Taxi, Green and White, Gonzalo Barrientos. Bob Perkins. Raul Alvarez, Peggy, Diane, Cathy, Vasquez Family, Gavino Fernandez, Darlene Camacho, Carlos Lopez, Maria Canchola, Hortensia Palomares, Rosie Mendoza, Margaret Gomez. Marcos DeLeon, Robert Mendoza, Alfonso Ramos, Ruben Ramos, MANUEL DONLEY, Joe Bravo, SHORTY ORTIZ, SUNNY AND THE THE SUNLINERS, Agustine Ramirez ANTHONY ORTIZ, JOHNNY LIMON, CANICA LIMON, Tony GALINDO . LA ZTECA, JOE’S BAKERY. EL GALINDO Tortilla, EL Porvenir Two NICKLE,. So many more commmunity leaders. Our
Local heroes and Mexican American businesses from years past who all contributed to preserve what’s left of East Austin.
I recommend a Wall of Fame that can recognize everyone or a Walk of Fame on the sidewalk, a brick with individuals name that can be viewed at our Pan Am site. This way we can leave a Historical mark and have Palm School as our museum. in our East Austin BARRIO so the CITY OF AUSTIN won’t forget who was here first
Let’s leave the park the way it’s known for PAN AM HILLSIDE. PLEASE participate in the virtual and in person meetings below. What’s important to me is the beautiful happy memories to leave our youth of the families and people who cared and loved East Austin.
Community Meetings:
Virtual Community Meeting
Thursday, May 19, 2022, 7 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link
Virtual Community Meeting
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 7 p.m.
Zoom Registration Link
In-Person Community Meeting
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 10:30 a.m. (changed meeting date)


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