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Home Nutrition La Prensa’s Weekly Diet: What the Journalists Eat

La Prensa’s Weekly Diet: What the Journalists Eat

I cannot stress enough the importance of promoting healthy eating habits within our community. We have fallen behind the rest of society regarding nutrition and overall health, partly due to the cultural influence of being conquered and losing our land and resources in the battle of the Alamo.


The generational disparity is a significant challenge that we face in the Latino community, and it affects all aspects of our lives, including our eating habits. Those with access to resources like nutritionists have an unfair advantage compared to those who do not have such resources. Due to insufficient access to nutrition information and resources, our thinking and behavior are negatively impacted, making us less clear-headed than those with access to these resources.


The consequences of poor eating habits are severe and affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally. The prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease is higher in the Latino community than in other ethnic groups in the United States. Furthermore, these chronic diseases often lead to other health problems like depression, anxiety, and fatigue.


To combat this trend, we must prioritize promoting healthy eating habits within our community. This can be achieved through education and outreach programs that provide information and resources on proper nutrition. We need to empower our community with knowledge about healthy food choices and the importance of a balanced diet. Moreover, we must advocate for policies that make healthy food options more affordable and accessible to all community members.


Healthy eating habits are vital for the Latino community’s well-being and prosperity. With adequate education and advocacy, we can overcome the negative impact of being conquered in the battle of the Alamo and reclaim our physical and emotional health. Let us prioritize this issue and work towards a healthier, brighter future for the Latino community.


Through my article, I hope to provide insight into the benefits of a vegetarian diet and how it can contribute to a healthier lifestyle for Latinos. By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to explore plant-based eating and make healthier choices for themselves and their families. I believe that by promoting healthy habits, we can improve the health and well-being of the Latino community for generations to come.


Did you know that losing weight can be tricky? Two types of motivation determine whether you successfully shed those extra pounds. One is extrinsic motivation, which you do solely for external rewards or to please someone else. And the other is intrinsic motivation which stems from within, like the desire to improve your health and well-being.


I know firsthand the difficulties of losing weight, especially when healthy foods and safe places to exercise are not easily accessible. But that’s why it’s crucial to focus on intrinsic motivators, such as wanting to feel better and live longer for ourselves and our families.


On top of that, we must acknowledge some disturbing facts. Mexican Americans are more likely to suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease than non-Hispanic whites. These statistics paint a grim picture, but we can take control of our health and make a change by choosing to prioritize intrinsic motivation over extrinsic rewards.


Your approach to weight loss will determine whether you succeed or fail. Let’s strive for intrinsic motivation and work towards a healthier future for ourselves and our loved ones. Together, we can break down the barriers that prevent us from achieving our goals. To learn more about intrinsic motivation over extrinsic motivation, read this article. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation


Alright, ya’ll, listen up! I know some of ya might be wonderin’ about this whole higher mind and lower brain thing. Well, let me break it down for you. This ain’t no fancy-schmancy stuff, so don’t get intimidated.


See, our brains have different parts, kinda like different rooms in a house. The lower brain or the reptilian brain – is like the basement. It’s where all our animal instincts and primal needs come from.


Now, I know some of y’all might feel ashamed or guilty about what your reptilian brain wants. But let me tell you, it ain’t your fault! It’s just how we evolved as a species. Our ancestors needed to eat and kill, to survive.

But thankfully, we humans have this thing called the higher mind, which is like the fancy living room upstairs. It’s where we can make rational decisions and set rules for our lower brain. So, when you see a slice of pizza and your reptilian brain is screaming, “I want that!” you can use your higher mind to say, “Hold up, maybe I don’t need that right now.”


So don’t be too hard on yourself if your lower brain is acting up. Just remember that you’ve got the power to control it. ¡Sí se puede! (Yes, you can!)

To understand more about our reptilian brain


Real self-care isn’t just about sipping on fancy tea or doing yoga poses that make you feel like a pretzel. Nah, sis, real self-care is when you live a life that caters to your daily needs so that you don’t even feel like you need a damn break from it.


Now, let me give you some examples. For me, self-care is making meals that I know will satisfy my taste buds as a Mexican-American. I’m talking about chowing down on some tacos with freshly made soy – meat that I whipped up in my own damn kitchen. And when I’m cooking, I ain’t just throwing some canned beans in a pot and calling it a day. Nah, I’m taking the time to season my meal just right, adding the perfect amount of cilantro and onions and ensuring every bite is an explosion of flavor.


But self-care ain’t just about food, either. It’s about taking care of yourself in all aspects of your life. Maybe that means setting boundaries with people who are always demanding your time and attention. Maybe it means taking a long-ass bubble bath at the end of a hard day or going for a run to clear your head and get those endorphins pumping.


Here’s the thing, though: real self-care is a lifestyle, not just a one-time thing. It’s about making daily choices that prioritize your well-being and happiness. And when you do that, you’ll find that you don’t even need a break from your life because your life is already balanced and satisfying as hell.


So, don’t let anyone tell you that self-care is only for fancy people who can afford green juice and yoga classes. No matter where you come from or your budget, you can make self-care a part of your daily life. And trust me, once you start doing it right, you’ll never want to go back to living a life that ain’t designed for your unique needs and desires. To read more about self-care.


I gotta tell you something important about cooking. It ain’t easy, but you know what? Don’t let that stop you from becoming a master in the kitchen. I started cooking for myself two years ago, and let me tell you. It was scary as hell. I had no idea what I was doing. The food was either too bland or spicy, and I had no clue how to get it right.


Every day, I would read this sticky note affirmation that I wrote to myself: “Cooking tasty food is in your blood. “It might sound cheesy, but let me tell you, that affirmation was everything to me. It reminded me that I had what it took to whip up some delicious meals, even if I didn’t initially believe it. I started to get the hang of it. I found new ways to add flavor. And you know what my secret weapon was? McCormick seasoning packets.


Don’t get me wrong, making everything from scratch is great if you have the time and the skills. But pre-made seasoning packets can make all the difference if you’re a beginner like me. They take the guesswork out of seasoning and make your life easier. Plus, they’re affordable and come in all kinds of flavors.


Here’s the thing, though. Even if you use pre-made packets, that doesn’t make you less of a cook. It’s all about how you use them. I experimented with different combinations, added my twist, and made my food. And you know what? It was damn tasty.


So, don’t be intimidated by cooking. Believe in yourself and use whatever tools you need to make the food come out great. Whether it’s pre-made seasoning packets or your secret blend, the most important thing is that you’re doing it yourself. To read more about affirmations.


I want to explain the concept of visualization’s power in making your affirmation come to life. The five senses are what we rely on to understand the world around us. These are the ways that we perceive the world. They are the sense of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.


When we visualize something, we imagine it as if it were happening in real life. When we use our senses to imagine ourselves in the kitchen, we can stimulate our brain in a way that makes it feel like we are there. This is a powerful tool for making our affirmations come to life. We engage our senses when we visualize ourselves cooking a delicious meal in the kitchen. For example, we imagine what the food looks like on the plate, we imagine the smell of the spices and herbs, and we can almost taste the flavors and feel the textures.


By using our imagination and engaging our senses, we are telling our brain that this is something we want and can achieve it. Visualization is essential in making our affirmations effective because it helps us feel and experience the end goal. When we see, smell, taste, touch, and hear it, it becomes natural, and we are more likely to act toward that goal.


So, my friends, if you want cooking tasty food to be in your blood, start by visualizing it every morning. Imagine yourself in the kitchen, creating something astonishing, and engage your senses. It may take some practice, but the more vivid and detailed you can make your visualization, the more effective your affirmation will become. Remember, you have the power to create your reality, and by using the power of visualization, you can bring your affirmations to life. To read more about the power of visualization


I want to talk to you today about something that might be holding you back from losing weight – your core beliefs. These are the thoughts that we have deep in our minds, often formed when we are very young, that stop us from achieving our goals. They are like a little voice that tells us we can’t do something because of something from our past.


My core belief was formed when my grandma overfed me as a baby. I was born premature, and she worried I would get sick, so she ensured I had plenty of fat on me. While she had good intentions, this caused me to develop a core belief that food equals safety. It took me a long time to realize that this belief was holding me back from losing weight, but once I did, I could start making changes.


Now I want to help you do the same. If you struggle to lose weight, it may be because of a subconscious core belief telling you it’s not safe or possible. The first step is to identify that belief – for me, it was the belief that food equals safety. Once you know what it is, you can start to challenge it.


Be patient with yourself – it took me years to overcome this core belief, which may take you just as long. But it is possible. Start by reminding yourself that you are safe and loved, even without food. And remember, you are not alone – many of us have these subconscious core beliefs that hold us back. But together, we can overcome them and achieve our goals. To read more about core beliefs 


Here are some YouTube videos that address the topic of changing core beliefs to help with weight loss:


1 “How to Let Go Of LIMITING BELIEFS and LOSE WEIGHT FOR GOOD | The C.A.N. Method” by Life Mastery Coach Source:



2 “How to change your limiting beliefs for more success” by Dr. Irum Tahir Source:


I hope these resources help you!


























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