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Home Trending Content Latina Social Media Star DESI PERKINS is the Hottest Thing Going!

Latina Social Media Star DESI PERKINS is the Hottest Thing Going!

Desi Perkins is a Latina YouTuber and makeup artist known for her empowering messages to young women. In a recent video, she spoke about why she is an advocate for the Latinx community.

Perkins said that she is proud to be Latina and wants to use her platform to help other Latinas feel proud of their heritage. She also spoke about the importance of representation in the media and how she hopes to see more Latinx people in positions of influence.

Perkins’ message is one of inclusion and pride, and it is clear that she is passionate about her culture and its impact on the world. We need more voices like hers in the media to help create a more diverse and representative landscape.

As a content creator, celebrity makeup artist, and beauty vlogger with a highly engaged audience, Desi Perkins has launched her beauty line called Dezi Skin. Perkins’ brand is all about accessible, everyday glamour and her products reflect that. From foundations to lipsticks to highlighters, Dezi Skin’s products are designed to help you achieve a polished look that is still natural and effortless. So whether you’re looking for a new everyday foundation or a bold lipstick for a night out, Dezi Skin has something for everyone.

Perkins is also known for her excellent tutorials and tips on using her products (and other beauty products). She frequently posts videos on her YouTube channel demonstrating how to achieve various looks, and her tutorials are always clear and easy to follow. So, if you’re looking for some makeup inspiration or want to learn how to use certain products, definitely check out Perkins’ YouTube channel. You won’t be disappointed!

When I see Desi Perkins in her videos, I feel comfortable because she is relatable. I can see that she is just like other girls from Hispanic backgrounds. She is not trying to be something she is not, and I appreciate that. She is real.
Desi Perkins is best known for her eyebrow tutorials. She even sells her eyebrow kit equipped with everything you need to achieve the perfect eyebrows. Her kit includes a primer, a pigment, a setting powder, a brush, and a mirror.

With her kit, you can achieve any eyebrow look you desire, whether it’s a natural or a more glam look. And thanks to her easy-to-follow tutorials, you can achieve the perfect brows in just minutes.
Desi Perkins is a social media sensation. She’s amassed over 2.5 million followers on Instagram alone, and her videos have been viewed millions of times. So how did she do it?
Perkins started by creating content that was relevant to her audience. For example, she posted makeup tutorials, fashion tips, and lifestyle advice that appealed to many people. She was also one of the first YouTubers to start using Snapchat, which helped her build an even bigger following.
In addition to creating great content, Perkins also worked hard to engage with her fans. She frequently interacts with them in the comments section of her posts and on social media. This helped her create a strong bond with her followers, which is one of the main reasons they keep coming back for more.
Perkins’ success on social media has led to some fantastic opportunities. She’s been featured in Forbes magazine and collaborated with major brands like Maybelline and Smashbox.
There’s no doubt that Desi Perkins is a social media superstar. She’s proven that anyone can launch a successful career online with the right mix of talent and hard work.
There’s no doubt that Kylie Jenner got more media coverage than Desi Perkins in the past year. Kylie, part of the famous Kardashian-Jenner family, has been in the spotlight since she was a child. In contrast, Desi Perkins is a YouTuber and makeup artist who only gained widespread attention in the past few years.
The paparazzi often follow Kylie’s life, and she regularly appears on gossip websites and magazines. She also has a vast social media following, with over 100 million followers on Instagram alone. In contrast, Desi Perkins has a relatively small social media presence, with just over 3 million followers on Instagram.
Kylie Jenner’s Snapchat Stories receive millions of views, and she is often paid to post sponsored content on her social media channels. On the other hand, Desi Perkins does not have the same social media reach or influence level. Consequently, Kylie Jenner can command higher fees for sponsorships and endorsement deals.
Kylie Jenner gets more media coverage and attention than Desi Perkins. This is likely due to her famous family, large social media following, and high level of influence.
Latino communities should celebrate Desi Perkins’ achievements because if we don’t lift each other, there will never be a level playing field for influencers like Desi. Desi is a fantastic role model for young girls everywhere, and her influence is undeniable. She has worked hard to get where she is and deserves all the recognition she receives. We should all support her!
Hispanics make up a large amount of the population in the United States. If we combine our numbers by following Latina influencers like Desi Perkins, we can push more of our people into power. By supporting and following women who are making positive changes in their communities, we can help make sure that our voices are heard. Additionally, by being active and vocal members of our community, we can ensure that our Hispanic heritage is celebrated and our culture continues to thrive.

By Diane Revilla

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